“Relaxing from the works of your flesh in 2013, by resting in Jesus Christ!”

2013 will be an awesome year for those who are truly putting their trust in our Lord Jesus Christ! In the Garden of Eden, God spoke to us in His Word about the rest we will receive by trusting and believing in Him. Since the Garden of Eden, we have been involved in “the works of our flesh.†Satan knew that “the works of our flesh†would bring mankind into a position of ultimate exhaustion, diseases, and sickness. Satan knew that, before the world began, the acts of the flesh would cause mankind not only to be overworked, but also to move away from God’s plan. Sin is the results of “the works of our flesh.â€

In the Garden of Eden, Satan knew that if he could get mankind to disobey God, he could hurt God and destroy the object of God’s affection. He came to Adam and Eve in the Garden as a serpent, one of the creatures that Adam had named. The serpent spoke to Eve as a friend, in order to convince Adam and Eve to disobey God. He wanted mankind to experience things that God never intended for them to experience. Please read John 15th chapter for your devotional reading this week.

Jesus came that we might be restored to a life that God wanted us to have since the beginning of creation. Jesus wanted us to come back to the state that he was in from the beginning to commune with God forever. There was so much pleasure and blessings that came from being in God’s presence. There was joy and an intimacy that Adam experience that goes beyond human understanding when he was in God’s presence because God was the source of meeting all of Adam’s needs. Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come to Him all those who are burden and heavy laden and that He would give us rest. Because in the World today, we have to work hard to achieve things and we can’t take anything with us when we die. The World is full of tribulations. Jesus wanted us to learn from Him and to know that only He can give us true rest. We will have rest for our souls through Jesus. There is power in resting in the Lord.

Adam could not have named the animals correctly, nor could he have been able to commune with God had he not been resting in the rest that only God can give. God rested on the seventh day. We have people resting on Saturdays thinking that God wants them to have a natural rest, but God want so much more for us! God wants us to have blessings that come through knowing His Son. Jesus is our Sabbath! Jesus rested in the Father when He walked the Earth. That is why He was able to take two fishes and five loaves of bread and feed five thousand people. He healed, saved, casted out demons, and did other great things because He rested in the Father. It was what the Father wanted Him to do. The Father truly knows what is best for us! God gave man a day of rest in the natural, but there is a spiritual rest that Jesus will give to those who believe. In 2013, enter into His rest and stop desiring to make things happen for you just to receive praises from man. Let Christ into your heart so that He can show you how to rest in His power! I promise you that your life will never be the same again. Let Him into your heart, today!