2019-2020 The Peace of God


Resting in the peace of Lord Jesus Christ!

In this world today, there are countless distractions.  Some of these interruptions are in our lives specifically to disengage us from our God!  They are called the cares of life.  However, Jesus told His followers not to take thought for their lives, because God knows what we have need of.  Sure, we may plan or save somewhat for our future, but even this will have repercussions, if we don’t let God’s grace show us how to apply His principles to our lives.

Jesus Christ is the key to entering into God’s holy rest.  Remember when there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee?  During the wedding, there was a potential interruption of the wedding celebration due to no more wine.  This disruption could have brought embarrassment to the bride and the groom.  The groom’s family probably had prepared for everything that would make this wedding a success, but the wine still ran out.  In this life, you can try to prepare for everything, but unexpected things will still happen that will try to unsettled your life. This is an example of what happens when we have done our best, but things simply do not go the way we have planned.

 However, we can be of good cheer because as long as Jesus Christ is in our lives, we will always come out on top.  The Holy Spirit invokes our faith in God’s Word and His promises, and now the manifestations of what we have prayed to God for is on its way. The problem lies when we don’t believe that God is able to help us. You see, when we stop leaning to our own understanding, and when we stop thinking about what could happen; just as the good report came about the wine being the best wine among all of the others wine served at the wedding; so are the blessings that God will give us through His Son, if we would rest in HIM!

I declare by faith that 2019-2020 will be a time of totally resting in God’s peace.  The rest of 2019 will stream down the blessings of God for those that put their trust in God into 2020, and continue throughout the lives of the believer.  May you truly rest in God’s best all year round!  Our Father made this possible for us to receive His goodness, thru His Son Jesus Christ!  Receive your blessings now!